Event: The Hugely Popular Poetry Series!

Saturday May 5th at 7pm
Brickbat Books:

The Hugely Popular Series Presents: 
Mark Scroggins
Jessica Smith
Stan Mir 

Mark Scroggins
Mark Scroggins's volumes of poetry are ANARCHY (2003), TORTURE GARDEN: NAKED CITY PASTORELLES (2011), and RED ARCADIA (2012); PRESSURE DRESSING is forthcoming. He has published two volumes of essays and reviews, critical monographs on the British fantasist Michael Moorcock and the American poet Louis Zukofsky, and a full-length critical biography of Zukofsky. He is currently editing a selection of the erotic poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne.

Jessica Smith
Jessica Smith, Founding Editor of Foursquare and name magazines and Coven Press, teaches at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is the author of numerous chapbooks including TRAUMA MOUTH (Dusie 2015) and THE LOVER IS ABSENT (above/ground press, 2017) and two full-length books of poetry, ORGANIC FURNITURE CELLAR (Outside Voices 2006) and LIFE-LIST (Chax Press 2015).

Stan Mir
Stan Mir is the author of two books of poetry, SONG & GLASS (Subito, 2010) and THE LACUSTRINE SUITE (2011). His poetry and criticism has appeared in Asian American Literary Review, Hyperallergic Weekend, Jacket2, and Seedings. He lives in Philadelphia and teaches at Temple University.